Monday, October 27, 2008

I've been tagged!

7 Weird Facts?

I don't know that I could come up with 7 normal facts, so this shouldn't be too hard.

1) Sleep is so important to me, but I don't care to sleep normal hours. I keep trying to convince myself that I can stay up til 1 or 2 in the morning and sleep til around 9 or so.. but my oldest daughter changes my mind EVERY DAY! She calls me every day of the week (monday through friday) between 7:15 and 7:45. I still try to stay up every night but I notice I have been slipping... I only stay up til around 1130 or 12 now.

2) I am afraid to talk to adults unless they talk to me first and make me feel comfortable. *yeah, I know that's weird...* But if you say something about my kids, I will talk your ear off.

3) I am deathly afraid of frogs! They terrify me and I don't know why. There have been many people who dont believe me so they come around me with a frog or toad and I will run, cry, lock myself in another room... anything to get away from it. I know it's irrational, but I can't help it!

4) I love to doodle! I can't just sit still while Ryan is doing his school and focus only on him. I have to doodle the whole time. I made this doodle in about a weeks time. (not without Ryan scolding me.)

5) I seriously think I have dyslexia.I will catch myself typing things and writing things completely backwards! It's one of my biggest fears for Patric . He learns so much like me I worry I have done him a disadvantage by homeschooling him sometimes.

6) I made all of Joselynn's wedding invitations from card stock. I cut them all, hand stamped and cut each corner of 400 invitations! Even though I threw my back out by working on it so hard, it was worth every bit of it! I would love to make posters and invitations and fliers and things as a business, but I don't know how to get it started.

7) Music such a passion of mine. I love to sing with people... but when I get up to sing by myself, I have a great deal of stage fright. I want to play the guitar and banjo and piano and everything I can get my hands on, but I don't ever take the time to try to teach myself because I am afraid I wouldn't be as good as my parents were.

Now.. my problem is I don't have anyone to tag. lol Oh well, at least I got this done for Joselynn and Jennifer to read. haha Enjoy girls!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Yeah, I did it again

I say I am going to get on and post, but do I? No...well, today I am!

It seems I don't do much communicating lately. I had a cruddy day today. I was just too frustrated for no real reason. I think I have had this little ache in my head all day and haven't done anything to get rid of it but get grumpy. Oh well... the day is almost over.. time for a new day, thank God!

I can't believe how crazy the last few weeks have been. We have had so much going on with the youth I haven't really taken much time for myself. I am kinda ready for a bit of a break from busyness.. but I doubt it will come any time soon. We had some really terrific results from our fundraisers from the youth. We sold pizza cards from Casey's and managed to sell all 100! That was a really good fundraiser for our bands at the park. We also did 2 can drives in the communities and did amazing with that as well. We had enough money to pay for 2 EXTREMELY good bands, provided everyone who helped pizza, purchase extra shirts for give aways for the bash and get some decorations for the tennis court. Needless to say, this has been so busy trying to get everything ready for this concert! We had an amazing time at the concert though. We had over 125 people there that evening . Unfortunately my oldest began having troubles that evening. She was injured and it caused the all too familiar sensation of paralization on her right side. We have been praying for her so hard. God is so Good! She is doing so much better the last few days! I was very concerned she was heading down a hard road, but she is doing so much better! I am so thankful!

I have been doing a lot better health wise this month! I am very happy to say that. I have been so sick the last few weeks.. it has really wore me down, but the last couple weeks I can tell I am starting to get my bearings back. It's a good feeling.

Well, my thoughts are too scattered tonight to do a good post, so I hope when there is some time soon that I have more clarity and can do a real post. For now, I bid you farewell and God Bless!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


After having a homeschool blog and posting in it this past week or so, I have had this strong desire to blog again. I can't use the other for much of my personal rantings, so I decided to start this one.

I will give you a little background on me and my life. I am a wife to a police officer for 19 years, the mom to 3 teenagers and one 9 year old. I homeschool 3 of my kids, since one of them made it out of here alive and has just started her 2nd year at Drake University. My husband and I are the youth leaders at our little church, but God is blessing it with a great number of teens. With all of that said, it explains why our house is the local hang-out. We have teens here all the time, and little ones occasionally. But it has been like that since before we had teens. I live less than a block away from my mom, about 3 from my husbands family and lots of other family surround us. It is nice having them around.

Well, I just wanted to give a tiny little bit of background on to who I am... it will go much deeper, trust me. lol But for now, I have things to get done. I am sure I will be posting later on today. I have several things I really want to write about so until then, remember,

Love is a Beautiful Thing!