Tuesday, August 26, 2008


After having a homeschool blog and posting in it this past week or so, I have had this strong desire to blog again. I can't use the other for much of my personal rantings, so I decided to start this one.

I will give you a little background on me and my life. I am a wife to a police officer for 19 years, the mom to 3 teenagers and one 9 year old. I homeschool 3 of my kids, since one of them made it out of here alive and has just started her 2nd year at Drake University. My husband and I are the youth leaders at our little church, but God is blessing it with a great number of teens. With all of that said, it explains why our house is the local hang-out. We have teens here all the time, and little ones occasionally. But it has been like that since before we had teens. I live less than a block away from my mom, about 3 from my husbands family and lots of other family surround us. It is nice having them around.

Well, I just wanted to give a tiny little bit of background on to who I am... it will go much deeper, trust me. lol But for now, I have things to get done. I am sure I will be posting later on today. I have several things I really want to write about so until then, remember,

Love is a Beautiful Thing!